This is a free Bingo caller and card generator, perfect for any Bingo game!

Get Random Card

How to Play

This web app has three features: a card generator, a bingo caller, and an structured player-host game interface.

Card Generator

Open the card generator by entering a number and clicking the right arrow button. You will be directed to a page with the number of cards entered. These cards are clickable, clearable, and printable. Refreshing this page will clear the cards. To get the same number of new cards, click the "Get New Cards" button.

Bingo Caller

The bingo caller can be used to randomly draw bingo squares and is also interactible, so can be used in conjuction with a real bingo machine or ball cage. (Clicking squares will manually toggle them). The display is good to be displayed or projected.

Game Interface

The game interface allows a "Host" to create and manage bingo games for any number of players.

To host a game, sign up and log in. Click the "My Games" button and create a new game by clicking "New Game". Once the game page opens, you can share the game code or the join link (click the "share" button) with new players. The players in the game are listed below the caller grid. By selecting players, you can deal and clear cards, remove players, and check for bingo. The toggle switch is used to set the game state. The game state must be set to "open" in order for new players to be allowed to join.

Players do not have create an account in order to play. They can either click the "Join a Game" button and enter the Game code displayed on the Host's game page, or visit the join link that the host can share. Either way, players are required to enter a temporary username before joining.

Copyright © 2021 | Peter E. Francis.